Resources for
Career Wellness
Your Hidden Genius and the included YouScience assessment can help you achieve career wellness and a better understanding of your strengths and skills. With this discussion guide, you'll gain a deeper understanding of your innate aptitudes and how they complement those of your colleagues.
Whether you’re reflecting on your own or working with a career coach, the prompts below are designed to help you dig deeper into your aptitudes. Your responses will show how your aptitudes impact how you approach work and overall career wellness.
How to Use These Resources
Through these discussion prompts and activities, you’ll discover your hidden genius! Below, each guide is broken into different aptitudes, as covered in the book: inductive reasoning, sequential reasoning, and idea generation.
Before beginning your discussion, all team members should take the assessment at YouScience.com to discover their aptitudes. Follow these steps to have you and your team’s aptitudes at hand:
Head to YouScience.com and log in.
Click on the “Discover Aptitudes” box on the Aptitude and Career Discovery page.
In the upper right hand corner, click on “Download Aptitudes.” This will generate a full and detailed 40+ page summary report (we suggest you actually print it out!) of your aptitudes and how to put them to work in all aspects of your life.
You can also use the interactive results dashboard to learn more about your aptitudes, personality, and interests.