Request a Consultation
You’ve taken the assessment and read the book, but you still want to go deeper to understand your aptitude results? Now what? Schedule a one-on-one consultation with the author-experts of Your Hidden Genius.
These appointments are most helpful to people looking to understand their aptitudes and how to implement them in their life.
For example, a client realized she was not using her spatial visualization aptitude and started a hobby that would fulfill that need. Another client used their aptitudes when they were considering retirement to figure out how to structure their time.
Once you have finished your assessment and read the book, read the information below about the types of guidance and appointments available, and follow the prompts to schedule a consultation below!

What type of guidance are you seeking?
I am seeking college and career guidance
Alex Ellison offers a variety of services for college and career guidance, including a 90-minute session. To book an appointment with Alex, click the link below.
I just want to discuss and learn more about my results from the aptitude assessment.
Betsy Wills offers a comprehensive 90-minute session tailored for adults to explore their unique aptitudes through the YouScience platform.
This session includes an in-depth review of your assessment results, which will give you a clear understanding of your YouScience aptitude report, and an exploration of how your talents align with career opportunities, leadership potential, and avocation pursuits. The remainder of the session is spent collaborating with Betsy to create actionable strategies for pursuing your goals, whether advancing your career, stepping into leadership roles, or integrating your aptitudes into meaningful activities.
Continue below to schedule an appointment with Betsy Wills

“If happiness, success, and fulfillment are your intended destinations in life (and who doesn’t want those?) Your Hidden Genius is your express-lane ticket. It unlocks the natural gifts you were born with.”
—Adam Taggart, entrepreneur; president and cofounder, Peak Prosperity; and author of Finding Your Way to Your Authentic Career